Take Your TransUnion Credit Report Seriously

Do not shrug off your credit report just like that. You do not want to be surprised with an unpleasant credit score just when you are about to purchase your dream home. With a bad credit score, you might not be able to make your purchase at all. Check what is in your credit report now. Although you will not be able to get your exact credit score, you can find out what details are reported in your credit record so you can take the necessary steps if you ever find any discrepancies.

Among the consumer credit reporting agencies from which you can request a copy of your report is TransUnion. They are legally compelled to give you a copy of your credit report once a year. You can request to have your TransUnion credit report by mail or by phone. Or you can check with the official website authorized by the government to provide consumers access to their own credit records. All three main consumer credit reporting agencies including TransUnion are required to make their records available through the annualcreditreport.com website.

When you find that there is something in your credit record that is not supposed to be there, you should take it seriously and do something about it right away. The sooner you get rid of your bad credit record, whether it is through your own fault or is an erroneous entry, the better it is for you. In as far as legalities are concerned, TransUnion has up to thirty day to respond to any dispute that you may file. They are, however, not required to respond in any positive manner. In a lot of cases, consumer credit reporting agencies including TransUnion wait through the entire period prescribed to respond to your dispute.

And then, they go and tell you that your request for an adjustment on your credit record is not acceptable because of certain inadequacies in the information that you provided. If you consult with legal credit repair professionals, you would learn that this tactic is used by these credit reporting agencies because they actually lose money when they act on your dispute. This is something that most people are not made aware of even through their frustration at being given the run-around in their filing for dispute. With professionals helping you correct your credit record, you have better chances of actually seeing your credit record clean and accurate as it should be.