• 1M unique visitors worldwide
• 2M page views
• Affluent audience
• 86% male / 14% female
• 80% are between the ages of 18 – 44
Ads will appear on the following sections:
Homepage, Single post pages, Advertise (728×90 only), Contact Us (728×90 only), Partners (728×90 only).
Ad placements are located in eye-catching positions that are highly viewable (over 80% active view). In addition, because of the nature of our life improvement content, our visitors are more open to exploring new ideas and products. As a result, our average ad CTR (all formats) is way higher than that of the industry average of 0.1% at around 0.4%.
* This website allows animated ads under the following conditions: No expandables or pop-ups
Premium 728×90 Leaderboard |
Est.Impressions 2,000,000 |
$5.00 per 1K Imps |
Premium 300×250 Homepage |
Est.Impressions 1,000,000 |
$5.00 per 1K Imps |
Middle 300×250 Homepage |
Est.Impressions 500,000 |
$3.50 per 1K Imps |
Sticky Post Homepage Top Center |
Est.Impressions 1,000,000 |
$5.00 per 1K Imps |
Single Post |
Est.Impressions 250,000 |
$2.50 per 1K Imps |
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