Web design is one of the, if not the quickest, cheapest and easiest business that you can start from home, and there are excellent opportunities to make good money. The great thing about it is that there is very little which you actually need to be able to start out. Basically, if you know a little but about web design, have a certain amount of design talent, and access to a computer and the internet then you can start out in business. Obviously if you have money to invest then you can put that into advertising and potentially get more clients and more profit coming in more quickly, but you really do not need to do this to be able to get started.
If you are starting out on a limited (or non-existent!) budget then one of the best things to do is to create websites of your own back and then sell them on business auction sites like Flippa. All you need is a few dollars for the listing fee, a few dollars for the domain name, and you can potentially have your first money coming in within a week or two. If you do not know what type of website to make then just lurk on Flippa for a week or two to see what attracts the most bids. You can also take a look at domain name auctions to see if there are any for sale that you think you can do something with – that is a great way to get inspiration.
It is important in this business, like in any other, that you generate the largest possible profit from every client and every job you do. One way to do this is to offer extra add-on services that are related to your core business. It is easy to do this using reseller programs. The most profitable is to offer web hosting with all the site you create. Many clients will want this, and if you are listing sites for sale in auctions you can use it to generate interest by offering 6 months free hosting or something like that. Most people don’t like to transfer everything to a new server, so they will stay with your hosting and make you money after the free period is up. There many free private label hosting reseller programs out there, and there are also plenty of reseller seo programs, which can also generate a little bit of extra income with little or no extra work simply by offering them to the customers that come to you for web design.