This guide explains how to password-protect web directories (with users from a MySQL database) with mod_auth_mysql on Apache2 on a Debian Squeeze server. It is an alternative to the plain-text password files provided by mod_auth and allows you to use normal SQL syntax to create/modify delete users. You can also configure mod_auth_mysql to authenticate against an existing MySQL user table.
I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
1 Preliminary Note
I use the vhost here with the vhost configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and the document root /var/www/ I want to password-protect the directory /var/www/ in this tutorial (translates to
2 Installing MySQL, mod_auth_mysql
To install MySQL and mod_auth_mysql, we run:
apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libapache2-mod-auth-mysql
You will be asked to provide a password for the MySQL root user:
New password for the MySQL “root” user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword
Repeat password for the MySQL “root” user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword
Repeat password for the MySQL “root” user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword
Afterwards, enable the mod_auth_mysql module:
a2enmod auth_mysql
Restart Apache:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
3 Configuring mod_auth_mysql
You can find the documentation for mod_auth_mysql in the /usr/share/doc/libapache2-mod-auth-mysql directory. To read it, you have to gunzip the DIRECTIVES.gz and USAGE.gz files:
cd /usr/share/doc/libapache2-mod-auth-mysql
gunzip DIRECTIVES.gz
gunzip DIRECTIVES.gz
gunzip USAGE.gz
Having read these two files, we create a MySQL database called examplecomdb in which we will create the table mysql_authwhich will contain our users and passwords. In addition to that we create the MySQL user examplecom_admin – this user will be used by mod_auth_mysql to connect to MySQL later on:
mysqladmin -u root -p create examplecomdb
mysql -u root -p
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON examplecomdb.* TO ‘examplecom_admin’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘examplecom_admin_password’;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON examplecomdb.* TO ‘examplecom_admin’@’localhost.localdomain’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘examplecom_admin_password’;
GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON examplecomdb.* TO ‘examplecom_admin’@’localhost.localdomain’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘examplecom_admin_password’;
(Replace examplecom_admin_password with a password of your choice.)
USE examplecomdb;
create table mysql_auth (
username char(25) not null,
passwd char(32),
groups char(25),
primary key (username)
username char(25) not null,
passwd char(32),
groups char(25),
primary key (username)
(Of course, you can as well use existing tables holding your user credentials, and you can as well have additional fields in the table, such as a field that defines if a user is active or not, for example.)
Now we insert the user test into our mysql_auth table with the password test (MD5 encrypted); this user belongs to the group testgroup:
INSERT INTO `mysql_auth` (`username`, `passwd`, `groups`) VALUES(‘test’, MD5(‘test’), ‘testgroup’);
Then we leave the MySQL shell:
I want to create an .htaccess file in the /var/www/ directory which will contain the mod_auth_mysql configuration, and to do this, I must first modify our vhost configuration so that the .htaccess file is allowed to contain authentication directives. We can either do this with the line AllowOverride AuthConfig orAllowOverride All (which allows .htaccess to override all settings in the vhost configuration, not only authentication settings):
vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/
[...] |
(You can leave the above configuration out if AllowOverride AuthConfig or AllowOverride All are already set for the parent directory /var/www/ – /var/www/ inherits these settings unless something else is set inside a … container.)
Reload Apache:
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload
Now we create our .htaccess file:
vi /var/www/
AuthBasicAuthoritative Off |
The AuthBasicAuthoritative Off and AuthUserFile /dev/null are there to prevent that you get errors like these ones in your Apache error log (/var/log/apache2/error.log):
[Wed Jun 11 17:02:45 2008] [error] Internal error: pcfg_openfile() called with NULL filename
[Wed Jun 11 17:02:45 2008] [error] [client] (9)Bad file descriptor: Could not open password file: (null)
[Wed Jun 11 17:02:45 2008] [error] [client] (9)Bad file descriptor: Could not open password file: (null)
If you have additional fields in your MySQL table that define if a user is allowed to log in or not (e.g. a field called active), you can add the Auth_MySQL_Password_Clause directive, e.g.:
[...] |
(It is important that the string within the quotation marks begins with a space!)
The require valid-user directive makes that each user listed in the mysql_auth table can log in as long as he/she provides the correct password. If you only want certain users to be allowed to log in, you’d use something like
[...] |
instead. And if you only want members of certain groups to be allowed to log in, you’d use something like this:
[...] |
That’s it! Now try to access, and you should be asked for a username and password:
Instead of using an .htaccess file, it’s also possible to place the mod_auth_mysql configuration directly in the vhost configuration. If you prefer this, delete the .htaccess file…
rm -f /var/www/
… open the vhost configuration file:
vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/
Add the following section (or modify your existing … container) – please note that this time we don’t need the line AllowOverride AuthConfig or AllowOverride All because we don’t use an .htaccess file anymore):
[...] |
Reload Apache:
/etc/init.d/apache2 reload
4 Links
- Apache:
- Debian:
- mod_auth_mysql: