History of Cad

Laptop GPS SoftwareDesigners have long used computers for their calculations. Initial development was conducted in 1960 in aircraft and automobile industries in the area of ??3D surface construction and NC programming, most are independent of one another, and often not publicly published until much later. Some of the mathematical description work on curves was developed in the early 1940s by Isaac Jacob Schoenberg, Apalatequi (Douglas Aircraft) and Roy Liming (North American Aircraft), but probably the most important work on polynomial curves and sculptured surface was done Pierre Bezier (Renault) , by Paul de Casteljau (Citroen), Steven Anson Coons (MIT, Ford), James Ferguson (Boeing), Carl de boor (GM), Birkhoff (GM) and Garabedian (GM) in 1960 and W. Gordon (GM) and R . it is claimed to be a landmark development of Sketchpad at MIT in 1963 and Ivan Sutherland (who later created the company with Dr. David Evans). Sketchpad is a special feature that allowed the designer to interact with their computer graphics: design can be fed into computer drawing on a CRT monitor with a light pen. Effectively, it was a prototype graphical user interface, an essential feature of modern CAD.First commercial applications are in large