Having a network of contacts for graduate career advice, not only improves your chances of finding and securing your first job you every step of your career.
Employers love to hire people they already know before the application process. Cut the types of contracts and give some assurance that the person can use to succeed in the workplace. According to Lorraine Whittick, specializing in employment counseling jobs in the UK work in May & Stephens, the time has never been more important part of the network. “Given the current economic climate, many companies advertise their jobs at large, he explains.” Companies refuse to pay the recruitment fee; refuses to pay for advertising rates depend on your network to recruit people. If you do not touch the network in any way, you will have more chances of success. Come first. Networking is more important than ever to find your best work.
Start now while something may seem like a network of professional contacts that can be achieved only after several years of experience in networking industry, it is possible to actually build the network before I came to the world of work. There are several ways you can increase the contacts you have now and contact graduate career advice, build new relationships and improve their career opportunities.
If you are a school or a newly established, start using your institution’s students and former graduates (alumni network). Consortia of universities offer alumni network, often across Europe who can beat the same. Connect to form a network of ready-to people who are able to offer career advice, support and contacts within various industries. It’s especially helpful because many scientists, especially those who work in another country, they were in this situation and you are in a unique position to offer the best advice.
Look at your university and see what the officials of the national teams of students from Imperial College London, for example, groups of students more than 180 countries around the world, including European countries and almost active alumni network of over 120,000 students use graduate career advice. They provide an opportunity for alumni to renew contact with each other or meet face to face events. This is especially useful when you move to a new country, where your contacts are limited. Newly formed can be useful for future contacts, and persons with whom they can discuss current opportunities exponentially. Candidates can offer expert advice on career and gaining practical experience, if not directly then through other people who know the industry.