How To Make Google Love Your Web Page!

Understanding how your website interacts with both the search engines and your human visitors is crucial to internet marketing success. For instance, most people might be tempted to think visitors generally enter sites through the home page. But that’s not the case. By far most of your visitors will reach your page via a search engine-unless you paid for their visit with pay per click. Furthermore they’ll enter your site through a page other than your home page. The reason this happens is it’s the page that shows up in someone’s search engine results-not the webpage.

To get visitors we have to create website pages that Google likes. (If Google likes them, then Yahoo! and MSN will, too.) The “big name” for creating your page so that Google and other search engines “like” it is called search engine optimization, or SEO for short.

Although what you and I see on a webpage through our browser window looks like just text (same as in a book), there’s really a little bit more going on under the hood.

Your webpage is written in a formatting language called HTML. A browser is basically a piece of software that turns the HTML into something more human friendly, something readable.

If you want to look at the code that makes a webpage, you need look no further than any page you’re looking on at the moment. Just take a random page, and you can see its source HTML by clicking on “view”, then “source” or “page source” in the toolbar of your web browser. If you’re doing this on a webpage in your browser window, you’ll notice that your webpage disappeared and was replaced by the HTML source code.

All that stuff you see is the HTML that makes your webpage.

In order to begin to understand how to massage your page so that Google loves it, I need you to understand the basic structure of an HTML page.

Web pages are broken up into two sections, the Head and the Body. The Head contains information that search engines might need about the page. The Body is what you and I actually read and see when we look at the page through a browser.

If you’re looking at a webpage’s source code, you’ll see a lot of words between these angle brackets, .

These are called tags, and they serve several purposes depending on which part of the webpage they’re found in.

There are three tags that are really important for search engine optimization purposes.

They are:

the title tag the meta keyword tag and the meta description tag

The title tag defines the title of your document. The meta tags hold information for the search engines.

When you optimize your page for a certain keyword phrase, you’ll need to make the title of the page that keyword phrase, as well and make it the first phrase in your keywords meta tag. Also, in the meta description, you’ll need to have a sentence with that same keyword phrase in it, with all of the words in the same order as in the title and the meta keywords tag.